A place for Lewis to play when he is not ...Looking for love in all the wrong places
(I gave up looking ... not worth the effort.)
My Pages My Links Search Engines Files About Me Page Hits
. . . . Did you ever try to find a dot com name that was not registered??
- What HTML editor did Lewis use for this page ?
. . . . notepad.exe (KISS)
- Why did the chicken walk across the road ?
. . . . because it was afraid to fly.
- Why are there not more silly questions ?
. . . . Because Lewis is senile and forgot them.
Some things relating to hobbies and day to day life. In other words ... anything I happen to toss in here.
Kymco 2021 Like 150i Scooter, New Toy
updated June 2023
DIY Cloth Face Masks Patterns
updated May 2020
Taig MicroLathe II
updated February 2020
KW PVR updated October 2014
KeyWild PVR is a Personal Video Recorder based on show listings (OTA, Cable and/or Satelite) and the VLC media player. It uses the Windows OS task scheduler the launch VLC to record the shows. It has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. It is assumed to run on Windows Vista and Windows 8.
Arduino updated 10 October 2013
Arduino is a line of "open Source" micro-controller boards based on the Atmel AVR line as well as a "open Source" development system. This directory has my Public Domain Arduino projects. The main project is a electronic thermometer that reports the current temperature to an attached PC. The thermometer may be recalibrated by the use.
These are my code projects using the SQLite Database engine. These are PUBLIC DOMAIN source code in Visual Basic 2013 and FreeBasic.
CAD Library updated 8 April 2014
This is a Public Domain library of DWG files and Utilities to be used with CAD systems such as DraftSight, CorelCAD, BricsCAD and AutoCAD. It includes nuts and bolts, world map, electronic breadboard, rulers, e-bike mini-hub 3D models and a Dwg to Png utiltiy package.
Six Mountains updated 1 June 2013
I have written a Novel called 'Six Mountains'. It is self-published on
Electric Bike
updated 10 March 2006
When gasoline hit 4.50 I started looking at alternatives and decided that large portion of local movements could be done on a electric bicycle. The idea is to be able to go to back and forth to work and to the local stores. All are within a range of about 3-1/2 miles. I had a small mishap (like many plans of mice and men).
Electric Bike (Plan 'B') --- The concept
updated 12 May 2016
Electric Bike (Plan 'B') --- The Reality
A full decade later and I am back to using an electric bicycle (aka E-Bike) as my primary mode of transportation.
The links above should (if I got the URLs right) lead to the two endlesssphere message threads about my version of a 'weight weenie' e-bike.
Keep tuned for Plan 'C' ...
Digiscoping updated 25 April 2004
Digital cameras (at least at the consummer level) have limited zoom capability. I keep trying to connect a digital camera to a telescope. This is a relative new form of photography called 'Digiscoping'.The Digital Camera and Telescope links have been moved to the bottom of this page.
What is that item in the background ?

May 2006. A 500 mile road trip on a 150cc scooter ?
My Pelican Puzzle
Got a few minutes to kill? Here is a interactive online jig-saw puzzle.
13 Apr 2004, New Camera
I just got a new digital camera. It is a Pentax *ist D (stupid name) DSLR.
A few interesting places to visit.
Ghost Town
Possibly the most astounding web site that I have seen. The young lady tells the story via a photo essay of Chernobyl nearly two decades after the worlds worst nuclear accident. Everyone needs to see this. PAR EXCELLENCE !!!
Irma's Field Notebook
Irma Hale is a friend from West Palm Beach. This is a collection of articles and pictures of her various adventures. That includes two trips to Antartica (a bit cold for my taste).
Free Online Encyclopedia
Wikipedia is a copyleft encyclopedia. In addition to the standard encyclopedic knowledge, Wikipedia includes almanac and gazetteer-like information as well as current events.
Jupiter, Florida
This is the town I used to call home before the economic crash of 2008-2009.
Host Monster
This is the company that hosts my web site. I have recently moved it (Jan 2011) from previous service provider. OCt 2013: I have been useing this service for several years now. I am very happy with the service.
and the search goes on ....
If you are still looking for something, trying searching one of these.
[Top Of Page]

Name: Lewis Balentine
Birthdate: 1 November 1950
Birthplace: Gary, Indiana, USA
Home: Houston, Texas
Occupation: not applicable
Marital Status: not
Comments, remarks or flames about my incompetence, ineptness, ignorance, bad spelling, bad grammar or resemblance to the north end of a southbound mule can be directed to the email address above. They will be ignored and deleted. Other constructive criticisms are always appreciated.
In either case, please have a very nice day.